If you are a sick brother or sister and let the emotions are everywhere, you are not alone. Statistics tell us that there are many other children and young adults who feel the same way.
It is estimated that between fourteen and 16 million families with a child who has a chronic illness to live, but there is little available, with many emotional issues that surround it help these families. The brothers and sisters of sick children to watch from the sidelines withlittle support from the world. Yet emotionally live a life far beyond the expectations of living a normal childhood.
We must ask ourselves how these brothers seem to face life with less time and attention from their parents? What have they to do with their anger? What is to understand their isolation? How can they answer questions that Pound in people's minds: Why did this happen? Why me? I'm selfish? Because I would have preferred?
There are indications that in some familiesthere are positive long-term benefits to grow with a sick sibling. The sisters and brothers to show more compassion for others. Our observations and studies have shown that the severity and complexity of the disease is not always so important to family dynamics as the emotions caused by the disease. Once the diagnosis is made, every family makes its own patterns and family dynamics to them from other families. Our goal is to increase awareness of the impact ofIllness in the family that results in a different style of raising their children to separate from the lives of their peers.
This difference in family life may be imposed in feelings of anger brother, isolation, fear and guilt, as they struggle with their feelings and to understand their time and supervision of parents. All this is attempted without sufficient support and guidance of adults. Families can be helped by the shock and fear through the leadership, directionThe acceptance and healing.
The beginning of the journey often begins with shock and denial. With time and the acceptance eventually develop into positive growth, as it passes through stages of a typical dish of emotions.
The transition from the initial shock and negative emotions, children can achieve peace and acceptance in their own way staff.
Often children are not disappointed that the disease has occurred in their family, but in reality the feeling, in retrospect, and with time, youpositive benefits in their difficult situation hidden. Through these trips, personal show maturity beyond their years.
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